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Dreaming in Color Page 17

  “Oh Jesus.” Goddamnit. Marek stared down at Colin through half-closed eyes, and he licked his own lips at the excitement of Colin's mouth surrounding his cock. His prick reared and pulsed with every pass of the other man's mouth, and he leaked a constant stream of precum down Colin's throat. He couldn't exactly see Colin playing with his taint, pucker, and crack, but he could fucking feel it, and it drove him crazy. “Push it in and make me come.”

  Colin bore down with the blunt tip of his finger, and Marek jammed his hips up at the same time. With a fleeting shot of fire consuming his ring, Marek shouted loud enough to bring the roof down as Colin breached him and invaded his ass. The man barely had to get halfway inside and certainly didn't need a second finger; it was as if just the taking pushed an ignite button inside Marek and hurled him toward release. His balls sucked up out of Colin's hold, crowding right up against his body. The familiar line of buzzing raced into his belly, all the way up his spine, and shot straight to his cock. Groaning low and deep, Marek grabbed hold of Colin's hair and held the man to his crotch, keeping his lover's lips locked firmly around his dick as everything in him imploded and he spurted a load of semen into the warmth of Colin's mouth. A spasm rocked through him with each subsequent spray of seed, and his ass contracted wildly around Colin's buried finger, sucking it deeper inside. It felt like he came forever, but eventually, Marek had nothing left to give; he gave up his death grip on Colin's scalp and let his penis slide from his mouth.

  Marek's rectum barely stopped rippling before Colin sent it into another shiver by withdrawing his digit…only to stretch Marek's ring wider by forcing in two. Colin quickly pulled the new thickness out, but just as fast, he slid his fingers back in and grazed right over Marek's sweet spot. Colin scissored his fingers within the snug confines of Marek's channel, slowly working him open more. Marek's ass pulsed wildly, and he bit his lip. His spent cock lay flaccid against his thigh, but his balls already started tingling again, searching for a way to physically respond once more.

  Colin pressed a chaste kiss to the inside of Marek's thigh then planted another to his balls, down against his perineum, and finally against his fingers where they disappeared into Marek's anus. Staring upward, he said, “You didn't think you were gonna get a break before round two, did you?” Looking right into Marek's eyes, Colin withdrew his fingers, spit, and flicked his tongue over Marek's gaping asshole.

  Marek almost flew out of the chair. He dug his fingers all the way down into the cushioning covering the seat, and he gasped and sucked on his lip as every supersensitive nerve sitting right on the line of his pucker jerked to full attention. Colin licked again, and Marek's passage squeezed, trying to grab for something as the skin on his arms and legs popped up with goose bumps all over. Drawing blood from his own lip, Marek stared, rapt, as Colin poked his tongue inside the quickly shrinking opening, swirled it all around, and probed as deep as he could go.

  His face twisting as he fought off unimaginable pleasure, Marek breathed through gritted teeth. His cock spiked upright, miraculously emerging with rigidity again. He reached out blindly and fumbled open a desk drawer. Sticking his hand inside, he felt around for the tube of lube he wanted and shoved it at Colin. “Please.” He didn't think he could stand another swipe of Colin's tongue over his bud. “Fuck me before I come again.”

  Colin threw the lube on the floor and jerked Marek out of the chair, only to kick it out of the way, sending it spinning across the floor. “On your back.” Colin tripped Marek's legs out from under him and tumbled him to the floor, using his own body as a cushion for the fall. Quickly, he rolled Marek beneath him and crawled on top, pushing Marek's legs apart and settling in between them. Colin rubbed his cock over Marek's taint and balls, but pulled just shy of reaching Marek's ass. Instead, he strong-armed his upper body away from Marek, taking his dick away.

  Marek whimpered at the loss, but Colin looked up into his eyes and completely took him prisoner. He scooped up the tube of lube, deposited it on Marek's chest, and said, “Slick me up and put me inside you.” Colin issued the order and held above Marek, his big hard prick poised just inches from Marek's ass.

  With his hands shaking, Marek popped the lid on the lube and squeezed out a dime-size dollop of the extrathick stuff, jumping when the cool substance hit his fingers. His gaze remained trapped in Colin's hold, but Marek reached down and wrapped his lubed hand around Colin's erection, stroking him to cover his length with the stuff. Colin's mouth dropped open and he pumped his cock in the cocoon of Marek's hold, succumbing and responding in a way that settled some of Marek's nerves.

  A little steadier now, Marek guided the head of Colin's cock to his asshole. He bit his lip as he alternated between staring into Colin's eyes and watching himself as he forced the tip past his tender ring and into his ass. Colin jerked and pushed in a few inches more on his own, and Marek moaned as his passage widened to accept the thicker penetration. He squeezed all around it, sucking Colin deeper inside.

  Colin's arms trembled with strain as he held himself above Marek, letting only their connected cock and ass touch. “God, you're fucking tight.” Colin shook his head, as if he battled the need to let everything go and lose himself in this coupling. “Okay?”

  Nodding, Marek said, “Fuck me. Give me the rest.” He wrapped his legs around Colin's backside, locked his ankles right against his ass, and forced Colin's body down, helping push Colin's cock the rest of the way inside his body.

  Both men groaned as Colin sank deep into the recesses of Marek's chute, filling him to the hilt. Colin dropped to his elbows, fused their stomachs together, and started to rock his weight back and forth over Marek, sliding his prick in and out of Marek's ass.

  Marek rolled his hips up to meet every measured thrust as best as he could, but he didn't dare release his hold with his legs; he crazily feared Colin would float away if he didn't tie the man to him with some kind of embrace. Slipping deeper into the fear, Marek latched onto Colin in another way, grabbing his upper arm in one hand and clutching his neck with the other. Pulling Colin's face down to his, Marek kissed, licked, and bit all over, ending at Colin's mouth. “Harder.” He knifed his hips up, tried to make the mating rougher, and stabbed his tongue against Colin's lips. “I can take it.”

  Colin grabbed a fistful of Marek's hair, yanked his head back, and held it trapped against the hard floor. His eyes flashed with the deepest colors of a jungle, and he swooped down, savaging his way into Marek's mouth with teeth and force, fucking with his tongue just as he forced his dick into Marek's ass with piercing depth, drawing a sharp cry from Marek for the aggressive possession.

  Reaching down and grabbing Marek's hip, holding him immobile on top and below, Colin pounded away at Marek's ass, sending his rectum into a confused state of tender discomfort; sweet, sharp pleasure; and uncontrollable, rippling spasms.

  Marek welcomed and reveled in every level of sensation Colin tore out of him, letting each second seep into him and remind him he was still fully, completely alive. He loved being pressed into the hard floor and the sting tingling his scalp from Colin's fist locked in his hair. His lips were swollen, and his mouth was as abused as his ass, but Marek writhed beneath Colin and strained for even more closeness. He contracted every muscle in or around his ass, trying with everything in him to keep Colin's cock lodged deep inside his body.

  “Shit…shit.” Colin suddenly stopped, his face darkened with red, and his features turned severe. “Ohhh fuck.”

  Marek sensed the tension suddenly locking Colin's body tighter than the string on a bow and knew just what it meant. “Let me feel it.” He squeezed his legs, held Colin inside him, and spoke against his lips. “Come in my ass.”

  Colin dipped down, bore his forehead into Marek's, trembled, and gave Marek exactly what he wanted. Tucked inside, Colin's cock swelled and then released a hot line of steamy seed into Marek's channel, painting his inner walls with cum. He pressed his lips to Marek's as he let go, holding there with hot pulses of labored b
reathing while succumbing to release. Warmth engulfed Marek inside and out, cloaking him in momentary safety, and he gave it up too, spending himself between the press of their stomachs and wetting them with ejaculate.

  Both men lay still and silent for a long moment, their labored breathing heaving their bodies in tandem with exhaustion. Sweat stuck Colin to Marek, and Marek to the floor.

  Eventually, Colin groaned and lifted his head, connecting to Marek's gaze. “Holy fucking shit. I have never had sex with anyone quite like that.” He reached between them, withdrew his dick, and fell to Marek's side on the floor. Just as fast, he reached his arm across Marek's lower belly and kept them connected in a loose hold. “Are you okay?”

  “Never felt anything quite like what you did to me just now.” Holy mother. Marek glanced at Colin, and just stayed there. “All of it.”

  Colin smiled and rubbed his fingers in little circles on Marek's hip. “I know something upset you earlier. Do you feel a little better now?”

  A streak of residual panic raced through Marek, attacking the beat of his heart. Not right now. Don't ruin what just happened. “I cannot move a single muscle,” he said by way of an answer. “You wrung me out good.”

  Shifting to his side, Colin rested his head in his hand. He dipped down and pecked a kiss on Marek's shoulder. “Nice that you had lube so close by.” He teased Marek's hip with a hint of a tickle.

  Marek covered Colin's hand, trapping it against his leg. “I'm a guy, I have a computer, and there is a whole World Wide Web of glorious male nudity right at my fingertips. Of course I have lube in my desk.” He raised a brow. “Try telling me you don't.”

  Colin opened his mouth, but the computer beeped right then, and another instant message popped up on the screen. It joined a list taking up the whole monitor. During everything Colin did to him, Marek hadn't heard the ding of a single one.

  “Oh crap.” Marek grabbed his pants and struggled through protesting muscles to stand up. “I totally forgot about Jeff.” He mentioned his financial planner. “He's probably out there wondering if I had a heart attack or something.”

  Taking hold of Marek's hand for support, Colin pulled himself upright too. He, however, left his clothes on the floor. “If you don't think it will give him a heart attack, feel free to hint at what did happen.” He leaned in and gave Marek a quick kiss, grinning against his mouth. “Have fun finishing your work.” Colin walked backward toward the foyer. “Or”—he paused at the door and looked Marek up and down like some kind of prize stallion—“you could come upstairs with me.”

  Marek hesitated. Jeff would understand; they had a good give-and-take working relationship. Still, residual fear held Marek in place. “I should do this,” he finally said.

  “Okay. See you later then.” Colin walked out of the computer room, waving without turning around, and swaying his firm, sweet ass with a slow, seductive walk. “Bye now.”

  I shouldn't follow that little wiggle of an invitation. The deeper I get, the more it's going to hurt when he finds out what happened and leaves.

  Colin's voice drifted into the computer room barely two seconds after he left. “Didn't I see a long vibrating dildo in your drawer the other night?” Marek couldn't see the man, but he already knew Colin's expressions well enough to envision the teasing half smile and pink filling his cheeks. “I haven't played with myself in front of anybody in a very long time,” he went on. “I think I'll have to take that in the shower with me while I clean up.”

  You seductive bastard. Sinking fast, Marek groaned and quickly instant messaged Jeff a We'll finish this tomorrow. Letting his pants fall back to the floor, and not bothering to waste time shutting down the computer, Marek spun around and raced after Colin. He caught up to the man halfway up the stairs and dogged his delicious ass into the bedroom, tackling him to the floor to Colin's delighted cries.

  Marek couldn't remember the last time he had heard anything sweeter.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Colin slipped in behind where Marek sat at his computer and planted a gentle kiss on the top of his dark head. Marek leaned back in his chair and tilted his head up, and Colin dipped down to press another kiss on his lips.

  Rubbing his nose to Marek's before pulling away, Colin said, “Don't worry. I'm not here to distract you from your work.” He placed a small plate of sliced fruit with crackers and cheese on the desk. “I just thought you might want a snack to hold you over until lunch with Jordan and Tag.”

  “Thank you.” Marek's brow pulled with lines, and he put his hand on his stomach. “I was getting a little hungry.”

  “I thought you might be.” They'd had breakfast a good three hours earlier, and Colin was coming to discover Marek wasn't really a big-meal-in-the-morning person. “I also thought I would go for a swim and sit outside for a while with one of the books from your bedroom. I just wanted to give you a heads up that I wouldn't be inside.”

  “Have fun. Be careful in the water.” Marek glanced at his watch and then at Colin's wrist. “How about I keep an eye on the clock and come get you in time for you to shower and change before we have to leave for the hotel? Okay?”

  Colin rubbed his bare wrist. “I'm not sure where I set down my watch. Maybe it slipped under the bed or dresser or something. Damn, that puppy wasn't cheap either.”

  “I'll help you look for it later.”

  “I'll take you up on that offer,” Colin replied. “Okay, I'm going to go change into my trunks and let you get back to work. I'll see you in a bit.”

  “Bye.” Marek circled his chair around to face the monitor, grabbed a piece of mango off the plate, and popped it in his mouth.

  Colin left Marek to his computer and brunch and bounded up the stairs two at a time. Reaching the landing, he turned for Marek's bedroom and came to a stop at the sight of one of the doors to the unused rooms ajar. What the hell? Colin had not seen these doors cracked open once in the week he had been at the house. Except for the time he poked his head into each room himself that first day, of course.

  Approaching carefully, Colin eased the door open the rest of the way. Even though he wasn't exactly scared, chill bumps marred his arms when the hinges squeaked. He peeked inside, and the familiar white curtains that hung through the entire house rustled from the breeze wafting in through the open window. Racing across the landing, Colin opened the other two doors and checked inside, finding curtains blowing in open windows in each of them too.

  After shutting the door to the final room he checked, Colin moved across the hallway and stopped at the top of the stairs. He looked down and all around and rubbed the arch of his foot over his calf, experiencing the tingle that had already become as much a part of him as breathing. Nothing felt wrong or heavy; the house didn't seem distressed. It felt…content.

  “Marek?” Colin called down from where he stood. Squeezing his eyes shut, hating that he deliberately exposed himself to mockery, he asked, “Did you open the windows in the extra bedrooms?”

  “Yes, I did.” Marek's voice carried back to him. “I do it once a week in the rooms I don't use, just to let some air in. Why?”

  “Nothing. No reason.” Colin's face burned, even though he stood by himself. “Sorry I bothered you. Go back to work.”

  What did you think, idiot? That Beatrice or Stewart's ghost manifested and opened them? Or maybe the house did it itself?

  Colin rolled his eyes and walked back to the open bedroom door. Reaching in to grab the knob, light from the hallway and open window cut two swaths across the empty space and almost entirely lit up the room. A door Colin hadn't noticed before caught his attention and drew him inside to investigate. It butted up against Marek's bedroom wall, and Colin guessed it held another small bathroom that matched Marek's.

  Moving inside just to check, Colin twisted and pulled on the knob and had to tug the swollen wood away from the door frame with a little extra muscle. The door finally released, but instead of a bathroom, Colin found a couple square feet of real estate. When
he stepped inside and did a right face military turn, he looked directly at a bare bones set of stairs. He could see the unfinished red-toned slats of wood for a handful of steps, but it grew increasingly darker the rest of the way up, into deeply shadowed darkness.

  “Holy mother.” Colin felt around along the wall, searching for a light switch. It has to be an attic. He turned in a circle, using his eyes to look for something that would trip a light, but could find nothing. Damn.

  Wait. Colin ran out of the room and into Marek's, forewent the flashlight he knew was in the nightstand, and skidded to a stop at the man's bookshelf. Lifting his arms all the way up, his fingers caught on one of two lanterns he had noticed the other night; he pulled it down from where it sat on top of the bookshelf and examined its modern design. He immediately found a switch on the bottom, flipped it, and a bluish white bulb glowed straight up and down from the center of the glass enclosure. “Yes, I thought so.” When Colin spotted it the other night, he had thought it looked too modern to be an antique oil lamp or something just for decoration.

  A very practical man lives in the body of my Marek.

  Kissing the enamel-covered top in victory, Colin raced back to the second bedroom and, with light now in hand, carefully climbed the stairs. They didn't groan or squeak in the slightest, but dust did puff up, and particles danced in the beam of light. Colin reached the top and emerged from the floor into a cavernous room. Holding his lantern aloft, he moved around the room with slanted ceilings, where lines of open beams cut from one side of the space to the other. He paused at a darkened round window sitting high on the back wall of the house and ran his fingers over the glass, coming away with dust but no streak of sunlight for his effort. The buildup of muck was clearly on the outside. Everywhere Colin shifted or pointed his lantern, a circle of light put a spotlight on a large, open, completely empty room.